
Sunday, April 2, 2023


Hi everybody!

I'm not sure if anyone noticed (or cared), but I haven't posted anything in nearly two months. Mostly, I've just been too busy, or at least too tired to put together a post on Sunday morning after having been so busy for the preceding week. At first, I thought it was just going to be a couple weeks, and then I'd come back with a super-sized review post and be back to the races, but that has obviously not happened, and by now it's gone on long enough that I feel like I just need to admit to myself (and to my dozen readers!) that I probably won't be writing anything on this blog in the near future. Probably not until the school semester ends, at least, and even then, I'm not sure if I'll be up to doing the same pace as I've done for the past eight years.

The truth is, it's felt kind of nice to have a break, nice enough that it doesn't bother me not to be posting for so long. Back in the year-end movie post, I mentioned that I was considering winding the blog down, and this is definitely that, though I'm not ready to call it quits entirely. At the very least, I still would like to do year-end lists and maybe some prog rock posts. But for the time being, I think I am done with weekly review posts.

If you still want to see me reviewing movies, I do update my Letterboxd account with basically the same type of reviews as I would have put on here. There's also the podcast my wife and I do, if you're interested in hearing my thoughts about children's books. So it's not as if I'm purging my horrible opinions from the internet (though I am closer than ever to having the wherewithal to delete my Facebook--maybe a summer project). But as for this blog, don't expect to see much new writing here.

Anyway, to those who have stuck it out for the long haul, thanks for all years of reading! I'm sure I'll hear from y'all whenever I do get around to making another post.

Until then!

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