
Thursday, March 11, 2021

400th Post and Q&A Call!

The past few times I've hit a new 100-post milestone, I've made some sort of grand list: movies, albums, books. Well, now I've hit 400 (I actually hit 400 a few weeks ago, but I didn't realize it), so I guess it's time for another milestone post.

I don't know if I could make a good list of TV shows or video games, the two other media I engage with a lot, so I don't feel like attempting either. So I'm going to do something different this time.

What I'd like to do instead is an AMA/Q&A, where readers get to ask questions about literally anything within reason that I'll answer in a follow-up post. I'm not sure if enough people are interested in that to make a good Q&A post, so this is something of an experiment. I've made a form where you can submit a question, and if I get enough good questions to make a post, I'll make it. If not, I'll just quietly slide this project into a drawer and forget about it.

So here's your job: if you'd like to read a Q&A, gimme some Qs! Click the link below to submit some (hopefully I've not made a huge mistake by allowing people to submit multiple questions).

Here's that link! Click away, and we'll see what happens! Thanks for reading the blog for 400+ posts!

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