
Saturday, May 18, 2019

An Announcement: This Summer, YOU Decide What I Review!

Hello, everyone!

Those of you who have followed this site for a few years know that I usually try to do some big project over the summer. Also, those of you who have followed this site for the past few months might have noticed that I became a father for the first time back in February. Well, I'm going to be watching the little dude over the summer while I'm not teaching, and while I haven't tested these results, rumor has it that it's hard to do time-consuming projects with a four-month-old child at your side. So I won't be doing a big project in the vein of last year's Disney run-through or the Narnia reviews from a few years back.

But! I still want summer to be special. So here's what I'll do: each week, I'll have a form where readers can submit review requests, and I'll choose one at random to include in that week's reviews post.

A few rules:
1. You can only suggest movies. I don't have (or want to make) time to watch a new TV season or whatever each week
2. Each reader can only submit one suggestion per week. Share, folks!
3. You can only suggest movies that I haven't already reviewed on the blog. Check the archives!

Each week, I'll just run a random number generator and pick one of the suggestions based on that. If, for whatever reason, I can't find the movie anywhere, I'll pick another one, but I have a lot of resources at my disposal, so I don't imagine that being an issue for any but the most obscure movies.

I hope this is an acceptable substitute for a full-on project! I've been wanting to integrate reader suggestions into my weekly reviewing process for a while, so if this goes well, maybe I can find a way to do this year-round.

I'm going to be on vacation starting at the end of next week, so I won't get a chance to do a reader-suggested review until the week after. But:

Here's the link for the first week, for those of you who want to get an early suggestion in!

Enjoy! I hope y'all don't make me watch too many crappy movies.

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