
Sunday, September 25, 2016

Mini-Reviews for September 19 - September 25, 2016

Two reasons why this list is so short: 1) I didn't have a ton of time to read/watch/listen to things this week; 2) What time I did have, I mostly spent watching O.J.: Made In America (review forthcoming, but spoilers: it's phenomenal). As it is, though, I still got time to finish up one season and watch one movie. Enjoy!


The Fits (2016)
Enigmatic and obliqueI would say "to a fault," although there's no question that this movie would not be nearly so striking if it were more straightforward. As it is, this coming-of-age boxing/dance/experimental jazz exhibition is as mesmerizing as it is frustrating. Tone is something this movie absolutely lands, flirting with both horror and transcendental otherworldliness without committing entirely to either or abandoning completely its foothold in cinematic realism. It's all very interesting in a mysterious, minimalist way, and I'm not exactly sure what else I'm wanting here, but still, there's something missing in that enticing cocktail I've just described. Grade: B


Adventure Time, Season 3 (2011-2012)
The two pleasures that set the third season of likely the best children's television since the debut of SpongeBob Squarepants apart from its other two similarly excellent seasons are these: 1) the feeling that the show is leveraging its off-the-cuff absurdity into world-building that manages to give the show an increasingly strong feeling of place that doesn't undercut the fundamental fun of that absurdity to begin with; and 2) the series's newfound penchant for exploring melancholy, enigmatic, and even spiritual content in its more adventurous episodes, best exemplified by the Firewolf/Snow Golem buddy comedy "Thank You" and the spook-romance/mystery "Ghost Princess," two of the show's best episodes ever. These are exciting expansions on the show's already vibrant palette, presenting the series yet again as one that's willing to push its borders without losing what's made it work to begin with. Outside of these expansions, Season 3 presents business as usual, and of course with Adventure Time, that usual business is excellent. Grade: A

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